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Calling All Lighthouses Contest

FIRST PLACE $100 Bold Coast Coffee and Merchandise

SECOND PLACE $50 Bold Coast Coffee and Merchandise

As founders of Bold Coast Coffee, we have a splash of Eastern Maine lighthouse heritage in our blood. Our great grandfather, Vassar Quimby was lighthouse keeper of Avery Rock. Even Little River Lighthouse has found its way into our signature logo. Though our family no longer burns the midnight lighthouse oil, we now craft coffee in a similar spirit, so you can still burn yours.

In honor of this heritage, we're holding a contest calling for lighthouses of the past and present from customers old and new. Lubec Channel Light, Quoddy Head, Little River (our personal favorite), Libby Island, Moose Peak, Nash Island, Narraguagus Light, and Avery Rock are just a few in the Bold Coast area alone. So please share your favorite lighthouses with us by following the instructions below: 

STEP 1 Follow @boldcoastcoffee on Instagram. Much obliged!
STEP 2 Post an old photo, new photo, drawing, painting, or any depiction of your favorite Maine lighthouse (doesn't have to be Bold Coast per se) on Instagram. Tag @boldcoastcoffee

STEP 3 Use #callingalllighthouses. Use other hashtags like #boldcoastcoffee, #boldcoastcoffeevibes, #exploreboldcoastcoffee among some of your other favorites.

STEP 4 Share with your friends!

STEP 5 Hunker down
and wait to see if you've won. If so, we'll let you know and then claim your prize! P
ick it up in person at the shop or we'll have it shipped to your door!

Posted entries for Bold Coast Coffee Calling All Lighthouses Instagram contest runs from August 2–September 19. The sooner you post, the more likes you might receive!

Bottoms up and best of luck!